Insightful & Validated

Career Assessment Tool

Help your members discover their career interests with the trusted O*NET Interest Profiler, a tool that provides valuable insights to guide their career paths.

Understanding Member Interests

Offer your members an opportunity to complete a 60-question assessment with the O*NET Interest Profiler. This trusted tool helps them gain a comprehensive understanding of their career interests.

Aiding Informed Decisions

With the O*NET Interest Profiler, members can make well-informed decisions about their career paths, increasing their likelihood of long-term satisfaction and success.

Comprehensive RIASEC Scores

Provide members with their RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional) scores, offering an insightful overview of their career preferences.

How It Works


Assessment Journey

Members answer questions based on their feelings about different work activities, focusing solely on their interests.


Personalized Career Suggestions

Members receive career recommendations based on their RIASEC scores, allowing them to explore roles that align with their interests.


Informed Career Planning

With these insights, members can create a personalized career plan aligned with their strengths and interests.

Reliable Insights

The O*NET Interest Profiler is a recognized tool, offering accurate insights into your members’ career interests.

Industry Standard

As an extensively researched and tested tool, the O*NET Interest Profiler ensures validity and reliability.


Increased Engagement

Members stay engaged and committed to their career development journey with this self-reflective tool.

Better Career Guidance

Reliable insights lead to more personalized career guidance and support.

Improved Outcomes

Using the O*NET Interest Profiler increases the chances of members making well-informed career decisions.

Ready to help your members discover their ideal career paths?
 Schedule a Demo today to learn how the O*NET Interest Profiler can make a difference.